TypeError Failed to Fetch: Troubleshooting & Solutions

Common Causes of TypeError Failed to Fetch

There are several common causes that can lead to a TypeError “Failed to fetch” error message in JavaScript. Understanding these causes can help in troubleshooting and resolving the issue.

1. Network Error

One common cause of a TypeError “Failed to fetch” error is a network error. This can occur when the browser is unable to establish a connection with the server or if the server is not responding. This can happen due to internet connectivity issues, server downtime, or firewall restrictions.

2. CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) Issue

Another common cause is a CORS issue. CORS is a security mechanism that prevents a web page from making requests to a different domain than the one that served the page. When the request violates the same-origin policy, the browser blocks the request and returns a “Failed to fetch” error. CORS issues can occur when making requests to a different domain, subdomain, or using different ports.

3. Incorrect URL or API Endpoint

A common mistake that can lead to a TypeError “Failed to fetch” error is providing an incorrect URL or API endpoint in the fetch request. This can happen when there is a typo in the URL, the endpoint does not exist, or the URL is missing a required parameter. It is important to double-check the URL and ensure that it is correct and valid.

4. Invalid Request Method

Another possible cause is using an invalid request method in the fetch request. The fetch API supports various request methods such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. If an invalid or unsupported method is used, the browser will return a “Failed to fetch” error. It is important to use the appropriate request method for the intended operation.

5. Server-side Error

Sometimes, a TypeError “Failed to fetch” error can be caused by an error on the server-side. This can occur when the server encounters an internal error while processing the request. The server may return an HTTP error code along with the error message. It is important to check the server logs and investigate any server-side errors that might be causing the issue.

6. Request Timeouts

Request timeouts can also lead to a TypeError “Failed to fetch” error. When a fetch request takes too long to complete, the browser may terminate the request and return a timeout error. This can happen if the server is slow to respond or if there are network latency issues. Setting an appropriate timeout value for the fetch request can help avoid this issue.

Troubleshooting TypeError Failed to Fetch

When encountering a TypeError “Failed to fetch” error, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. Here are some troubleshooting tips that can help:

1. Check Network Connectivity

Start by checking your network connectivity. Ensure that you have a stable internet connection and that you can access other websites without any issues. If you are on a restricted network, make sure that the necessary ports are open for the fetch request to reach the server.

2. Verify CORS Configuration

If the error is due to a CORS issue, verify the CORS configuration on the server. Ensure that the server is configured to allow requests from the domain or origin where the fetch request is being made. This can involve setting appropriate CORS headers on the server-side.

3. Double-check the URL and API Endpoint

Review the URL and API endpoint being used in the fetch request. Double-check for any typos, missing parameters, or incorrect paths. Ensure that the URL is valid and the endpoint exists. If necessary, consult the API documentation or contact the server-side team for assistance.

4. Validate Request Method

Verify that the request method being used in the fetch request is valid and supported by the server. Ensure that you are using the appropriate method for the intended operation. For example, use GET for retrieving data, POST for creating data, PUT for updating data, and DELETE for deleting data.

5. Check Server-side Logs

If the issue persists, check the server-side logs for any errors or exceptions that might be causing the issue. Look for any error codes or error messages that can provide insights into the root cause of the problem. Fixing any server-side errors can help resolve the TypeError “Failed to fetch” issue.

6. Set a Timeout Value

Consider setting an appropriate timeout value for the fetch request. This can help prevent the request from hanging indefinitely and returning a timeout error. Set a reasonable timeout value based on the expected response time of the server. If the server is slow to respond, you may need to increase the timeout duration.

7. Implement Error Handling

Implement proper error handling in your JavaScript code to gracefully handle any fetch errors. Use try-catch blocks to catch any exceptions that might occur during the fetch request. This can help provide more meaningful error messages and prevent the TypeError “Failed to fetch” error from crashing the application.


In conclusion, a TypeError “Failed to fetch” error in JavaScript can occur due to various reasons such as network errors, CORS issues, incorrect URLs or API endpoints, invalid request methods, server-side errors, and request timeouts. Troubleshooting such errors involves checking network connectivity, verifying CORS configuration, double-checking URLs and endpoints, validating request methods, checking server-side logs, setting timeouts, and implementing proper error handling. By following these troubleshooting steps, developers can identify and resolve the issue causing the TypeError “Failed to fetch” error, ensuring smooth functioning of their applications.

Read more about typeerror failed to fetch